Exercise: Sagemaker Scavenger Hunt
Exercise: Sagemaker Scavenger Hunt
- Topic: Build a Sagemaker based Data Science project
- Estimated time: 45 minutes
- People: Individual or Final Project Team
- Slack Channel: #noisy-exercise-chatter
- Part A: Get the airline data into your own Sagemaker.
- Part B: Performance the Data Science worflow:
- Ingest: Process the data
- EDA: Visualize and Explore data
- Model: Create some form of a model
- Conclusion
- Part C: Consider trying multiple visualization libraries: Plotly, Vega, Bokeh and Seaborn
- Part D: Download notebook and upload into Colab, then check notebook in a Github porfolio repo.
*Hints: You may want to truncate the data and upload a small version into Github using unix
shuf -n 100000 en.openfoodfacts.org.products.tsv\
> 10k.sample.en.openfoodfacts.org.products.tsv
1.89s user 0.80s system 97% cpu 2.748 total